Hoshikuzu Telepath Wiki

Umika Konohoshi (()()(ほし) (うみ)() Konohoshi Umika) is one of the main character of Hoshikuzu Telepath manga series. She is a first-year student of Fujino Misaki High School who was unable to make friends due to extreme fright, and she was escaping from reality, thinking that she could express her feelings to aliens living on planets other than Earth.


Umika is a young girl with a petite stature. She has large eyes with burnt orange irises and plum colored hair with dark cyan tips. Her hair reacted her lower back and has slight waves with ends of her protruding out on both sides. Two shorter pieces of her hair have small white bows in them and have a tie around her high school uniform with White skirt and she have black socks and black shoes around her feet.


Umika is extremely frightened and unable to communicate well with others, believing that she has no place on earth. After meeting Yu, they set a goal to aim for space with their rocket.

Because she is frightened and shy, she has difficulty communicating, but she is extremely enthusiastic about her goals and is more enthusiastic than others. Ever since she set her sights on going to space seriously, she has been studying rockets on her own, despite her lack of knowledge and skills. Even after becoming friends with Yu, she has a shy side, but she is gaining confidence with the support of Yu and Haruno and the successful experience of launching a rocket.

Matataki Raimon attended the same school in middle high school,[5] and when she entered the same class in the second year of middle high school, she had the opportunity to talk to her, but she was rejected and did not go well.


  • The name Umika means "sea, ocean" ( umi) and "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed" ( ka).
  • Umika's surname Konohoshi means "small" ( ko) and "star" ( hoshi).


  • Umika's weight is secret.[6]
  • Umika's hobby is reading novels such as science fiction and mystery.[6]
  • Umika's special skill is swimming.[6]
  • Umika's favorite thing is aliens.[1]
  • Umika's favorite food is spaghetti with meat sauce.[1]
  • Umika's favorite subject is Japanese, such as modern and ancient literature.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Hoshikuzu Telepath manga - Volume 2
  2. Hoshikuzu Telepath manga - Volume 1, chapter 1
  3. Hoshikuzu Telepath anime - Episode 2: "Sunset Rocket"
  4. https://twitter.com/animateinfo/status/1705145008100147563
  5. Hoshikuzu Telepath manga - Volume 1, page 65
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Hoshikuzu Telepath manga - Volume 1